Art is the lie that enables us to see the truth.

~Pablo Picasso

Play. Create. Grow.

Alternative Healing

Psychotherapy and Coaching Services in the Expressive Arts

I provide telehealth services for psychotherapy, life coaching, and relationship coaching to individuals, adolescents, and couples. I recognize that every individual has their unique way of expressing themselves. While verbal communication is my primary mode of connection, I also understand the profound impact that art can have as a supplementary tool in our work together.

My services

  • Life or relationship coaching services aim to help individuals achieve personal and interpersonal goals. Life coaching focuses on personal development and creating strategies for reaching desired outcomes. Relationship coaching enhances relationships, whether romantic, familial, or professional.

    These coaching services differ from traditional psychotherapy and couples counseling. Coaching is future-focused, while psychotherapy explores deeper emotional issues. Coaching is a collaboration between coach and client, empowering individuals to overcome challenges and grow. It is action-oriented, helping clients identify obstacles, explore alternatives, and develop strategies for positive change.

  • Psychotherapy involves exploring and understanding past experiences, emotions, and patterns of thinking to promote healing and personal growth. It often involves the use of evidence-based therapeutic techniques to help clients gain insight, develop coping strategies, and improve their overall mental well-being.

    Couples counseling, on the other hand, is specifically tailored to address relationship issues and conflicts within a romantic partnership. Couples counseling may include techniques such as conflict resolution strategies, improving emotional intimacy, and enhancing overall relationship satisfaction.

    These services differ from coaching because they require a license from the state to practice. This ensures that the providers have met specific educational and professional requirements, adhere to ethical guidelines, and participate in ongoing training and supervision.

  • Art can serve as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind, providing a deeper understanding of oneself and facilitating emotional healing. When used in conjunction with coaching or psychotherapy, the art becomes a great tool that can reveal hidden or suppressed emotions, offering valuable insights into our own selves and those around us.

    Writing can be used as a therapeutic tool in various ways. The strategy of free association, originally developed by Freud, could be used with creative writing through the process of writing down whatever comes to mind without censorship or judgment. This technique allows individuals to access their subconscious thoughts and emotions, helping them to process past events or unresolved traumas. Writing poetry, short stories, or fictional essays can also be beneficial, as it allows individuals to externalize their thoughts and engage in storytelling, which can provide a sense of catharsis and self-reflection.

    Drawing, painting, and sculpture offer non-verbal forms of expression that can be particularly helpful when words are inadequate or difficult to find. Sometimes, emotions and experiences are too complex or overwhelming to put into words. Through art-making, individuals can visually represent their inner world, allowing them to communicate and explore emotions and thoughts that may be difficult to express verbally.

I offer a free 15 minute consultation.

Let’s Create Together

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.”

~Thomas Merton

I hope to help my clients find meaning in their lives, transition their thought processes to positive ones, and help them pursue their life goals by dismantling the social expectations or restraints they may have put onto themselves, or onto their partners, so that they can pursue lives filled with content and truth.

I believe that we do not grow in a vacuum; instead, we are taught, impressed upon, and our thought process is shaped by those around us. Questioning societal values, our cultural traditions and histories, and the knowledge associated with those histories in relation to our current lives is key to finding our own truth in life. Art expression can help us do just that.