Play. Create.

Nicole Josephine Kline is a creator, writer, critical thinker, and theorist of love. At her core, she is a story-teller. Nicole paints, sculpts, and writes the stories of humanity so that others may experience a sense of universality from her work. These “tales as old as time” are her way of processing what it means to be human: to suffer, to love, to lose, to live. 

She attended the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Based in Austin, Texas, her specific painting process has manifested over many years of making art with young children, as both a Montessori Art Teacher and an early child care professional. With a M.S. in professional counseling and a specialization in emotionally focused therapy, Nicole uses her art process as a respite for the amalgam of human drama. As a theorist of love and human connection, she primarily incorporates abstract portraiture with color theory through a vibrant, eclectic manifestation of her view of the human condition. With a foundation of blind contour sketching, many of her works depict her unique perspective on line, shape, and form as it relates to an improvident process of letting a painting unfold on its own accord.

As a multidisciplinary artist, Nicole’s artistic style embodies a delicate balance of two opposing forces - spiritual abstraction and humanism. She creates a dialectic between her subconscious interpretation of those around her and the realism of her everyday life. Each canvas, sculpture, and piece of writing is ultimately a unique expression of Nicole’s life stories and experiences. Common themes in her work weave together ideas of love, heartache, betrayal, self-criticism, self-compassion, her fascinating theories on sex and love, and above all - her unique worldview. Her most recent book, “Things She Will Never Say” is a collection of essays that navigates the deepest corners of Nicole’s psyche, where very few have wandered.  

Areas of Expertise

Oil Painting Portraits

Nicole Josephine Kline creates both abstract and realism commissioned portraits of individuals, couples, families, and pets. She works on canvas and utilizes charcoal, oil pastel, and oil paints as her mediums of choice.


(361) 244-7295